
Home > Ultrafiltration


Filtration Spectrum Chart


Ultrafiltration Membrane

  • On the surface are very tiny holes or pores which run over the entire length of the thread.

  • These pores, which are not visible to the naked eye, can only be seen using high powered special microscopes.

  • The tightly controlled microscopic pores range from 0.01 to 0.1 micron in size. For comparison, the full-stop at the end of this sentence is 500 microns.

  • The pores have the ability to stop the passage of particles, turbidity and pathogens such as bacteria, algae, cysts and parasites but allow water and natural, healthy essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium to flow through.


    They require no electricity.

    Using only the existing water pressure from your water supply, water passes through the water filter and provides safe, clean filtered water on demand.

    The result is a consistent supply of high quality treated water.

    Ultrapure Membrane Structure


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