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There is no domestic waste that is too difficult for our system! This simple system which takes only 2 hours to set up basically solves your waste water issues in a moment's notice.

Many establishments face problems from kitchen waste. Fats and oils are detrimental to STP system and if not managed carefully will render the STP useless. Our FBBR + MBR system eliminates this worry by effectively blocking the fats and oils before treating the waste water to government's standards.

This hotel was looking for a way to reduce their water bill. This system treats the waste water from their STP to be recycled and reused for plant watering, car and floor washing, helping the hotel achieve significant savings in water bill with minimum investment. This is especially helpful in area where clean water is limited. And it helps the environment too!.

This system treats oily industrial waste waster to clean water that is reused for their cooling tower system. This system effectively separates oil from the water and treat the waste water to meet government's standards. This also greatly helps our client achieve significant savings in their oil waste handling cost.

Have you ever wondered if the water you are using for showering, washing clothes or cleaning your dishes is really clean? Our proprietary home and office clean water system will provide clean water for your entire house and office. This portable system will treat ground water or tap water to drinking water standards at minimum costs. Saving you a significant amount of money with a very low investment.